For me, this is wonderful. Sometimes hectic, but really great to be able to spend time with our extended family!
This year, Christmas began last Saturday with a get-together at our house. We had a great time and the kids were more than happy to get a jump start on the gift getting!

Then, on Monday, we helped to move my parents into their new house! The house is so great and it already feels like home! You may remember from a previous post, I was a little worried!

Then, my Mom hosted Christmas Eve lunch at her house 2 days later! What a woman! When we arrived, I laughed because all of the presents were sitting under a floor lamp! So, we turned on the lamp and tied on a Christmas towel and it became our Christmas lamp! Who needs a tree to celebrate?!

We had a wonderful lunch of beef stew and cornbread - how Southern are we?! And then the boys had a great time opening gifts!

My cousin, Heather, couldn't make it this year, but she hit the nail on the head again with her gifts for the boys! They always love what she gives and this year was no exception - they had a ball with their new firetrucks!

Then, came the big day and Santa did not disappoint! Davis loves his new kitchen - he's been making us lots and lots of coffee! And Drew has a new Flip video camera. He's been recording everything, so I really have to be careful now! An 8 year old with a video camera is a dangerous thing!

We always have Christmas Day lunch at my grandparent's house with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins. It is always one of the highlights of the holiday season for me.

Hayden and Davis had a great time running and playing outside.
Davis snuggling with his Nana.
Drew snuggling with his Nana.
My sweet husband watching over the boys in the front yard.
My Papa and Drew in deep discussion. Papa Luke has been teaching Drew all about coin collecting!
And now, my cousin, Adam, would like to demonstrate what happens to the men in my family after a really delicious Christmas lunch...

Out like a light!

We always have Christmas Day lunch at my grandparent's house with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins. It is always one of the highlights of the holiday season for me.

And now, my cousin, Adam, would like to demonstrate what happens to the men in my family after a really delicious Christmas lunch...

And, believe it or not, Christmas is not over yet! We are looking forward to a day of celebrating with Kevin's family on Sunday! I told you, Christmas keeps going and going and going...