Friday, November 14, 2008

Up, Up and Away!

One of the perks of living in the mountains is waking up to this on Fall mornings. Hot air balloons in the sky!

This picture was taken from our front porch about a week ago. And what a difference a week makes! Now, the leaves have just about all fallen. So sad! But, I'm still hopeful that snow will cover those bare trees very soon.

Have a wonderful weekend! We will be helping my parents move from our, I mean, their home. {sigh} I am so excited about their new house, but I'm feeling very sentimental today. Who knew that so much happiness and love and comfort and family could be contained in a little ranch house? Well, my parents must have known when they bought our little home 31 years ago. I am so grateful to them today (and everyday) for all the things that "home" means to me - the most important of which have nothing to do with bricks and mortar.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is a beautiful picture and such a sweet post...I'm always begging my parents to move here with us (even though they are only 40 min. away) but I can't imagine if they do ever move how that would's very conforting to call the house where you grew up home!